Hi Yo-An Lin,

I spent few hours working on your idea and came to the following path.


I tried to keep binary compatibility, minimize run-time checks overhead and fix 
related problems and leaks.

BTW I'm not sure, if I like the patch even in this state.

The patch significantly speed-ups getters (more than 2 times) in small cost for 
all other methods, but the final effect on application may be negative.

Of course, we may add specialized opcode for INIT_METHOD_CALL without 
arguments, that would almost completely eliminate overhead.

Anyway, I like to listen opinions:

- if we should include such optimizations?

- do you see any other applications to similar optimizations?

Thanks. Dmitry.

From: Lin Yo-An <cornelius.h...@gmail.com>
Sent: Sunday, April 3, 2016 11:10
To: Xinchen Hui
Cc: Dmitry Stogov; internals; Nikita Popov
Subject: Re: Object getter method optimization

I submitted the new benchmark result here:

Benchmark Result
Getter Method Only


Without getter optimization (3 runs):

With getter optimization (3 runs)

Template Engine Benchmark


With getter optimization:

Without getter optimization:


Other Microbench result: 

On Sat, Apr 2, 2016 at 11:29 AM, Lin Yo-An 
<cornelius.h...@gmail.com<mailto:cornelius.h...@gmail.com>> wrote:
Hi Xinchen Hui,

The magic get method is not being optimized. This optimization only focuses on 
simple getter, which is used in a lot of OO-based appoications like Symfony or 

Hi Dimitry,

Thanks for reviewing the code, comments are helpful. :) could you explain a 
little bit of how runtime_cache_slot works?

 I think adding the property_offset in op_array is kinda like a workaround for 
POC, and I want to remove it from op_array.

Cheers, Yo-An

Xinchen Hui <larue...@php.net<mailto:larue...@php.net>> 於 2016年4月1日 星期五寫道:


On Fri, Apr 1, 2016 at 4:35 PM, Lin Yo-An <cornelius.h...@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Dmitry, Nikita, Andrea

My implementation now is able to get the property offset and fetch object 
property directly without invoking zend_std_read_property and pushing new call 
frame onto the stack.

The current behavior:

1. In compile-time, the pass_two() function now marks the getter functions in 

2. When Zend Engine first time attempt to read the property, it saves the 
property offset in the accessor field and mark the method as a "getter".
I am not sure if I understand you correctly, but.. have you consider this case?

class A {
    private $a = 1;
    private $b = 2;
    public function __get($name) {
        static $is_first = 1;
        if ($is_first) {
            $is_first = 0;
            return $this->a;
        } else {
            return $this->b;

$a = new A();
echo $a->nomeaning;
echo $a->nomeaning;


3. When Zend Engine second time invoke the getter method, it checks the 
accessor field and try to read the property value directly instead a "method 

The implementation did some change:

1. Added accessor struct to op_array to save "accessor" related information 
(getter or setter, property offset)

2. Added two statement in zend_std_read_property to save property offset.

3. Added op code check in zend_compile (The pass_two() function) to mark a 
function is a getter)

But now I encountered a problem, I can't store the result value in 
INIT_METHOD_CALL op, the result var is only available in DO_FCALL_*

I have an idea for solving this, but I'm not sure if it's good or not:

If DO_FCALL_* will always follow a INIT_METHOD_CALL, then I think we can store 
result var from the next op (DO_FCALL) and skip DO_FCALL directly.

Would be great if I can have your advices and suggestion. :-)

Thanks, Yo-An Lin

On Tue, Mar 22, 2016 at 4:45 PM, Dmitry Stogov <dmi...@zend.com> wrote:

Hi Yo-An Lin,

This "run-time inlining" approach may work.

PHP compiler (or optimizer) may mark functions and methods suitable for 
"run-time" inlining (e.g. methods without arguments and FETCH_OBJ_R UNUSED, 

Then INIT_METHOD_CALL may check this flag and execute "optimized code sequence" 
instead of pushing stack frame and real call.

However, I'm not sure what kind of performance impact this may make, because we 
will have to make additional check on each INIT_METHOD_CALL execution.

Thanks. Dmitry.

From: Lin Yo-An <cornelius.h...@gmail.com>
Sent: Saturday, March 19, 2016 10:08
To: Dmitry Stogov
Cc: internals; Xinchen Hui
Subject: Re: [PHP-DEV] Object getter method optimization

Hi Dmitry,

Thanks for your reply! You're correct. let me try to explain your points:

If I have a main.php and worker.php

And I defined work($worker) { $status = $worker->getStatus(); } inside main.php

when main.php is compiled, we don't know what the class entry of $worker is. 
What we only know is invoking a method "getStatus" on $worker CV unless we know 
we have to compile worker.php before main.php and add a type hint on $worker.

Is it correct?

Since the original approach doesn't work, here comes another new idea:

When executing method call on an object, if we found the method body are just 2 
op codes (FETCH_OBJ_R and RETURN), we then denote the method is a "getter 

And the next time, when we execute the same method, we found the "getter 
method" flag, we simply execute FETCH_OBJ_R on that object and return the value 
to avoid extra op code execution time.

Do you think if this could work?

Best Regards and Thanks for your work on PHP VM
Yo-An Lin

On Fri, Mar 18, 2016 at 3:36 PM, Dmitry Stogov <dmi...@zend.com> wrote:
Hi Yo-An Lin,

Unfortunately, this approach won't work.
At first, at compile time we don't know the body of called getter.
At second, the called method might be changed even at run-time, because of 

Tricks like this might be implemented using JIT and polymorphic inline caches.

Thanks. Dmitry.

From: Lin Yo-An <cornelius.h...@gmail.com>
Sent: Friday, March 18, 2016 05:23
To: internals
Subject: [PHP-DEV] Object getter method optimization

Hello Everyone,

I am recently trying to write an optimizer that could optimize the getter
method call into just one object fetch opcode.

I'd like to know thoughts from you guys, here is the note:

Best Regards,

Yo-An Lin

Best Regards,

Yo-An Lin

Best Regards,

Yo-An Lin

Xinchen Hui

Sent from Gmail Mobile

Best Regards,

Yo-An Lin

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