Thanks for all the comments.


- Null byte ends processing.
- In strict mode, space between padding fails
- In strict mode, after a padding, one character is skipped

- Too short padding is allowed, e.g. "VV=" works like "VV==".
- Extra padding is allowed (like "V=====").

WONTFIX / NOTABUG. This doesn't really cause any problems.

- "V" produces empty result, while "V=" fails. Not very logical.

Any comments?
I'd prefer failing in both cases. 6 bits out of 24 is invalid
and might mean that the data is truncated by accident.

- Invalid padding is allowed ("=VVV=", "VV=V=")

Any comments? Strict mode at least gets this one right.
It's really sad if someone relies on this "feature".

Lauri Kenttä

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