On 20 June 2016 21:42:43 GMT+01:00, Dmitry Stogov <dmi...@zend.com> wrote:
>The RFC was updated to propose this change only for PHP 8.0, and
>thereby, vote is delayed for uncertain time.

Why can't we have a vote now, committing to a change in 8.0?

Doing so would have two advantages:
- Users have extra advantage warning of the change. Even if the message doesn't 
change, the documentation could include a warning, and people could spread the 
- Long-term engine developments could proceed in the safe assumption that the 
change will be accepted, rather than having to consider the possibility of a 
future vote forcing a backtrack.

As I've said elsewhere, the only reason we don't have any plans for 8.0 is 
because we're not making any plans for 8.0; we can start doing that whenever we 
like, and using whatever process we like. Targeting a few votes and listing 
them somewhere seems as good a place to start as any.


Rowan Collins

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