On 6/22/16, 5:19 PM, "Nikita Popov" <nikita....@gmail.com> wrote:

>I haven't been following this thread, just jumping in to comment on this
>point. My suggestion to deprecate rand() was motivated by the fact that
>rand() produces extremely low quality random numbers on Windows, while at
>the same time having the name people are most likely to try first if they
>want to have a random number. It's a bad state of things if there's a
>rand() and an mt_rand() function and the latter is preferable in *all*
>situations, while the former is more likely to be used. However, this
>concern is completely alleviated by aliasing rand() to mt_rand(). If we
>do this, I see no reason to deprecate rand(), at least in the short term.

Alternatively, if you fix rand() by making *it* the new, fast,
platform-independent RNG (e.g. Xoroshiro128+) and leave mt_rand() alone

1. The "bad state of things" you described is resolved.

2. The various complaints about mt_rand() become irrelevant because rand()
will be preferable in *all* situations (except security and backwards


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