On Sat, Aug 6, 2016 at 12:55 PM, Charles R. Portwood II <
charlesportwoo...@erianna.com> wrote:
> I think there's a bunch of ways we can tweak this. As there's no "bad"
> values for any of these cost factors per the spec, it may just be easy to
> set the costs even lower end user decide if they need to be increased (or
> increase them in core at a later time).

Hi everyone,

I've spent the last week and a half playing around with various cost
factors on different virtual machines and hardware (including compiling
this down for armv6 and testing on a Pi Zero), and looking over the spec a
bit more and would like to update the proposal to use the following cost

memory_cost = 1 MiB
> time_cost = 2
> threads = 2

There are no "bad" cost factors for Argon2, but obviously more work is
better than less. These cost factors provide sufficient work effort without
exhausting system resources. Argon2 is pretty fast with these cost factors
even on a Pi Zero, which is the most resource constrained system I could
get my hands on. In all my testing I wasn't ever able to get memory
exhaustion to occur just from running argon2 hashing.

I'd like to gather some last feedback and make sure there aren't any
serious objections to these cost factors (or anything else for that matter)
before putting this up for a vote. Please let me know your thoughts.

*Charles R. Portwood II*

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