I guess that the biggest problem is about the code parsing. Currently PHP
should supports what you wrote, but with another meaning. And personally I
think that this feature is not too common on programming language in
general, once that it is possible from first format (maybe more clear too).

Em 6 de nov de 2016 6:30 PM, "Fleshgrinder" <p...@fleshgrinder.com> escreveu:

> Validating whether a number is within a closed or open interval is
> currently possible only via a construct like the following:
> ```
> if (0 < $x && $x < 42) {
>     echo 'x is in (0, 42)';
> }
> if (0 <= $x && $x <= 42) {
>     echo 'x is in [0, 42]';
> }
> ```
> It is not very readable and repetitive. It would be interesting to
> support a more mathematical notation for this:
> ```
> if (0 < $x < 42) {
>     echo 'x is in (0, 42)';
> }
> if (0 <= $x <= 42) {
>     echo 'x is in [0, 42]';
> }
> ```
> I cannot judge how complicated it is to extend the Bison definitions to
> allow this. However, if there is interest I'm sure there is a way. :)
> --
> Richard "Fleshgrinder" Fussenegger
> --
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