On 11/16/2016 3:50 AM, Aaron Lewis wrote:
I have a file that contains a HTTP request,

GET /xxx.php
Host: xxx
Content-Type: xxx

I would like to ask PHP cli to parse the HTTP request from a file, and
setup $_FILES, $_POST, $_SERVER etc.
What should I do? I'm familiar with PHP extensions, so I'm capable of
modifying SAPI myself.

The Ultimate Web Scraper Toolkit over on GitHub can get you about 75% of the way there in pure userland in a few lines of application code with the WebServer class:


Possible approach:

$fp = fopen("/path/to/file.txt", "rb");
stream_set_blocking($fp, 0);

$server = new WebServer();

// If you want to allow gzipped/deflated input.

// If you are actually processing file input...

$client = $server->InitNewClient();
$client->fp = $fp;

        $result = $server->Wait();

        if (count($result["removed"]))
                // File contains an invalid request.
                // Maybe bail out more gently?
                echo "Invalid request.\n";

} while (!$client->requestcomplete);

// Now use $client's public variables 'cookievars' and 'requestvars' to load various superglobals. There isn't a pure structure though for $_GET and $_POST.

is_uploaded_file(), move_uploaded_file(), sesssions, and other useful built-ins might also not work as expected. Hence the 75% metric from earlier.

Thomas Hruska
CubicleSoft President

I've got great, time saving software that you will find useful.


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