On 14.12.2016, at 16:15, Dennis Clarke <dcla...@blastwave.org> wrote:
> On 12/14/2016 06:35 AM, Kalle Sommer Nielsen wrote:
>> Hi
>> On Dec 14, 2016 12:23, "Christoph M. Becker" <cmbecke...@gmx.de> wrote:
>>> Hi!
>>> The end of active support for PHP 5.6 is documented to be on December,
>>> 31th[1].  Does that mean that there'll be no further release with
>>> "normal" bug fixes (but only security fixes)?
>> Yes, 5.6 was extended to compensate for 5->7 adoption afair from an rfc
> This is entirely too soon. At the present moment neither of the PHP 7.0
> releases will compile clean on a strict POSIX environment. At all. The
> version 5.6.x tree is perfectly stable and works out of the box without
> an endless compile nightmare whereas 7.0.14 and 7.1.0 won't even
> compile. I guess I need to file more bug reports

Yes, you do. PHP 7.0.0 was released a year ago.

> and push through this
> or the 5.6.x version will be dropped with no valid replacement that

5.6 will receive security fixes for another 24 months.

> works in a strict environment.  Perhaps the gcc compiler is an absolute
> requirement and if that is true then the code isn't acceptable to any
> other compiler regardless if it is C99 compliant or otherwise.

It appears to be, from looking at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=67229, but 
that affects PHP 5 as well, not just 7.


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