> On Jan 20, 2017, at 01:04, Rasmus Schultz <ras...@mindplay.dk> wrote:
> Just a quick thought.
> Since the autoloading functions proposal is stalled, how about allowing for
> import of static functions instead?
>    use function Foo::bar;
>    bar(); // calls Foo::bar()
> at least we can move ahead
> and leverage existing code without changes or BC breaks. It's not all bad.
> It's better than nothing perhaps? :-)

I find this intuitively appealing. It's an incremental change with tangible 
benefit in an imaginable timeframe, as vs a dramatic change in an unknowable 

However, I am not an internals expert, so I'll leave it to them to say how big 
a deal it would be to implement, and what the drawbacks are.

Paul M. Jones

Modernizing Legacy Applications in PHP

Solving the N+1 Problem in PHP

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