On 25/01/2017 08:49, Niklas Keller wrote:
2017-01-25 9:27 GMT+01:00 Wes <netmo....@gmail.com>:

They don't belong to a class only, but to a class and all its descendants.
Ideally, descendants should not inherit constants (or anything static), but
we can't change that now, so final could make sense here. Basically, they
should work exactly like static fields, except that static fields can be
re-assigned, while constants may not.

Well, we can deprecate them and remove it with PHP 8.

You mean, make all constants non-inheritable? Why?

Late static binding is a documented language feature, I don't see why it's any weirder for constants to participate in it than static fields and methods.


Rowan Collins

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