> On Feb 3, 2017, at 9:06 PM, Stephen Reay <php-li...@koalephant.com> wrote:
>> On 4 Feb 2017, at 07:25, Aaron Piotrowski <aa...@trowski.com> wrote:
>> $callback = |int|float $x| => $x ** 2;
> Forget the parser, you're giving my eyes diabetes trying to read that.

I absolutely agree that it's terrible… the point is that types (even potential 
future union types) can be used with short closures, but it certainly doesn't 
mean they should be. I don't think confusion with a non-existent and 
non-recommended way of coding should be a reason against a particular syntax.

> As has been said before, PHP is relatively verbose compared to other 
> languages. That makes it slightly more characters to type, but it also makes 
> it absolutely clear what is happening.

Using `function` IMO makes it more likely to confuse a short closure with a 
regular closure. Reusing the `function` keyword with different semantics may 
result in some confusion.

> As Niklas said, all ambiguity/clarity issues are solved by using "function", 
> at the cost of 6 characters.
> Suggesting that a search for arrow functions will be easier with <insert 
> random character here> and then using grep (which could also easily match 
> arrow functions using "function") as your example search seems odd to me.

I never suggested this, Björn Larsson did. Any of the possibilities mentioned 
in this thread could easily be searched.

Regards, Aaron Piotrowski

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