On 4/1/2017 11:13 AM, Rasmus Schultz wrote:
> So to summarize, a normalize_path() function should:
> 1. Fully normalize to an absolute path with no platform-specific separators
> 2. Have corrected case (for files/dirs that do exist.)
> 3. Have normalized (upper-case) drive-letter on Windows
> There's also network file-system paths on Windows with a different syntax
> to consider? I don't know much about that...

1. cannot be guaranteed by a normalization function, because the parts
the dots point to might not exist. Resolving them without knowing if we
are dealing with a symbolic or hard link is impossible.

UNC paths work the same as normal paths, the only difference is their
prefix (e.g. `\\ComputerName\`), in other words, they can be treated
like a schemeless URL.

Verbatim paths are not supported by PHP anyways, hence, they can be ignored.

Richard "Fleshgrinder" Fussenegger

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