On 5/26/2017 1:08 AM, Marco Pivetta wrote:
> Saw the discussion on github, and I wish that the argument parsing just
> behaved like a *NORMAL* PHP method.
> The following is perfectly valid:
> $crapTonOfUuids = array_map([UUID::class, 'v4'], range(0, 1000));
> This would raise a lot of warnings if the API didn't behave like it does in
> userland (warning on too many arguments).
> A point was raised about BC compliance when adding parameters (future
> scope), well here's the news: stop adding arguments to existing functions,
> make some damn new functions/methods/classes (to whoever still thinks that
> adding arguments is a valid decision).

Well, I agree on the adding arguments part. I actually complained a lot
about this in the past.


I added them because Kalle and Nikita really want to have them. Changing
the return types to be nullable is a complete no-go for me. I am sure
Larry would agree here with me.

The approach I've taken right now would allow one to write:

$crapTonOfUuids = @array_map([UUID::class, 'v4'], range(0, 1000));

As it would emit a warning, but still generate them. Well, unless you
have strict-types mode activated, in that case you would receive the

I really don't know what the proper solution for this problem is. I
would just leave it out, as I did initially. Nothing bad can happen from
passing too many arguments; not enough should directly lead to an
ArgumentCountError, that's for sure.

On 5/26/2017 1:08 AM, Marco Pivetta wrote:
> The UUID type and specification is simple and clear.
> Also, a UUID is a data type with no real behavior.
> The only possible and valid scenario for subclassing would be to add
> semantic meaning because the developer invented a new type of UUID: that's
> to be excluded, as such an implementation (if relevant and secure) would
> land in core anyway in future PHP releases.
> Subclassing to alter behavior (generation/serialisation, if you want to
> call them "behavior") would be a mistake that could even lead to security
> issues, and it should be avoided.
> This class should be final, so keep it final, IMO.
> Marco Pivetta


Richard "Fleshgrinder" Fussenegger

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