
On Fri, Jul 28, 2017 at 5:45 PM, Sara Golemon <poll...@php.net> wrote:
> ftr; I'd vote in favor of several BC breaking things to do with
> autoglobals, among them:
> * Make them objects (though ArrayAccess based for less hostile BC breakage)
> * Make most of them read-only (offsetGet(), but no offsetSet)
> * Make $_SESSION[...] access produce an error or auto-start the session
> I've seen too many codebases abuse GPCER vars as a generic storage
> location because "globals are bad, but this is good because it doesn't
> include the word global".  As a performance issue, the runtime has to
> assume autoglobals are inherently volatile and could change on a whim
> at any moment (much like $http_response_headers).  Restricting their
> mutability would be a win.  The request globals could probably also be
> optimized fairly significantly.
> If anyone agrees, I'm willing to RFC it.  If not, I'll continue living
> with it. :D

Yes, please!

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