On Thu, Sep 14, 2017 at 4:42 AM, Sara Golemon <poll...@php.net> wrote:

> https://wiki.php.net/rfc/rfc.voting-threshold
> This topic has come up on the mailing list a few times, so I'd like to
> formally open the topic for discussion.
> I'm generally pretty liberal when it comes to allowing the PHP
> language to evolve and explore its identity, but the truth is a
> feature that has 30 people vote against it and 31 people vote in favor
> of it is not a mandate by any stretch of the imagination.  It's an
> opportunity to examine why a divide exists and if we're all being
> honest with each other, improve the original idea before it becomes a
> maintenance burden.
> Please note the "Open Question".  I'm not all that sure 60% is enough
> of a mandate either, but I wanted to be conservative in my
> conservatism.  If folks think 2/3 is more appropriate (and consistent
> with syntax changes), I'm happy to change this number before we move
> to voting phase.
> -Sara
> Or, as Ze'ev once famously said, "Give the language a rest".

+1 on this, though I would strongly recommend to use a 2/3 threshold for
all RFCs, be they language, library or procedural. We're having this
discussion on nearly every single RFC (seriously, even the UUID RFC which
is as non-language as these things get had arguments about this) and this
would be a good chance to simplify the rules.

I would also explicitly note that the voting threshold applies to the
primary RFC vote only, while secondary votes are simple majority votes.


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