
On Fri, Sep 15, 2017 at 11:51 AM, Tony Marston <tonymars...@hotmail.com> wrote:
>> Far better that that
>> problem is taken away from the file system (which should be clean, robust
>> and
>> fast) and if you want case independence put it up at the application
>> layer.
> You try telling that to the billions of Windows users who have been used to
> a case insensitive file system for decades. Not to mention all Microsoft
> software which is case insensitive. Try to take that away and billions of
> users will be baying for your blood.

Billions? Do we have that statistic available?
And how many of them have ever encountered case-sensitivity as a concept?
Do they all manually type-in filenames that they want to open? If so,
do they for some reason name their files in all upper-case, but then
type in lower-case while opening?
Also, are we Microsoft developers? Are we trying to change Windows?

And most importantly: How do everyday Windows users have anything to
do with PHP developers?


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