> Hi, I would like to propose an RFC to raise an E_NOTICE when a variable
>> "initialized" to null is casted to other types:
>> $foo = null;
>> var_dump($foo['bar']);
>> var_dump($foo . 'bar');
>> var_dump($foo + 2);
>> var_dump($foo & 2);
>> // At the time being, this code produces no errors
>> The eventual vote may be split one for each case.
>> What do you think?
> pleae don't break code like this which is a useful case for access
> directly a array field returned from a function and so makes this to a
> one-liner without check the result
> public function GetMaxSort(): int
> {
>  return (int)mysqli_fetch_row($this->cl_api->db->query("select
> SQL_NO_CACHE max(hsort) from {$this->cl_api->sql_prefix}main", 1))[0];
> }

Just use return (int) mysqli_fetch_row($this->cl_api->db->query("select
SQL_NO_CACHE max(hsort) from {$this->cl_api->sql_prefix}main", 1))[0] ?? 0;

Regards, Niklas

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