On 2 November 2017 04:24:17 GMT+00:00, Stanislav Malyshev <smalys...@gmail.com> 
>> From the body of the RFC:
>> "To enable for the closing marker to be indented, ... The indentation
>> of the closing marker dictates the amount of whitespace to strip from
>> each line within the heredoc/nowdoc"
>Yes, that's what the RFC says. But the voting question only mentions
>indenting the marker. I'd prefer voting options were clear and I didn't
>have to second-guess the intent. It could be "Allow indenting the
>and stripping the whitespace?" and all would be clear.

I would add that this is particularly important on an RFC with two or more 
votes. On most RFCs, the voting question is implied to be "accept the 
change/feature as described above", but as soon as you have two votes, it's 
important to be clear which parts of the proposal are covered by each vote.


Rowan Collins

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