On 12/19/2017 9:59 PM, li...@rhsoft.net wrote:
> yes, it's mostly cosmetic (frankly even the OP statet this in the
> initial mail) but if that comes witout a noticebale price to pay why not?
> "It's a simple alias for the current behavior of no type and is fully
> interchangeable" sounds like it could even be optimized out at compile
> time of the script - so "you don't need it" is not much compelling for me

Adding that optimization step is already more effort than not
introducing it in the first place, don't you agree?

Seriously, I am neutral on the topic in itself. Fact is that it is an
unnecessary change from a technical perspective and it will not bring
PHP forward in adopting a sound type system. I just wanted to show
support for Stanislav's position because he is simply right from a
technical point of view (which imho is more important in language design).

There is no argument against the "we like it pretty".

Richard "Fleshgrinder" Fussenegger

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