On 18/6/18 5:43 am, Stanislav Malyshev wrote:

I would like to open the vote for the RFC about cleaning up the
unmaintained extensions:


The vote ends 2018-06-26 23:59 PDT.

I have added some discussion about active maintainers and abandonment
procedures, this can be refined further later. I also kept the list of
the candidates as-is for now, but I will update it soon and probably
make a separate wiki page for maintaining it. Please note this list is
not part of the vote (the vote is on the process, not specific list
which will change all the time).

- I know we're all online all the time, but I would have gone for a 4 week 
period instead of 3.  Many countries have significant vacation periods.

- the "community maintained" option looks OK.

- Since this is a process & policy RFC that has a long lifespan as a reference, 
what about renaming it to 'PHP RFC: Process for Unmaintained Extensions'?

[Somehow https://wiki.php.net/rfc should capture these active references. 
Currently they are in the same section as things such as PHP 5.3 EOL]



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