On Mi, 2018-06-20 at 03:55 +0200, Michael Moravec wrote:
> Hello internals,
> I'd like to propose two new functions for PHP 7.3:
> iterable_to_array() and
> iterable_count()
> These functions are supposed to work with iterables (7.1 pseudotype)
> - both arrays and iterators, unlike iterator_*() functions which only
> work with iterators.

Is there any reason not to extend the existing functions to also allow

Also for the count one: Mind that iterator_count()/iterable_count()
doesn't respect the Countable interface and consumes the iterator,
which might not be resetable. A slightly better choice might be

    (is_array($iterable) || implements_countable($iterable)) ? 
          count($iterable) : iterator_count($iterable)

And even then I would put a warning sign against blindly using it on
any iterator.


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