Le vendredi 13 juillet 2018, 16:48:29 CEST Levi Morrison a écrit :
> Below is a proof-of-concept for the `array_offset` function [mentioned
> by Nicolas Grekas][2] (which by the way, neither the RFC author nor
> anyone else responded to this suggestion) that is simply a convenience
> wrapper over `array_slice`:
>     function array_offset(array $input, int $offset): ?array {
>         $slice = array_slice($input, $offset, 1, true);
>         return count($slice) ? $slice : null;
>     }
>     $assoc = ['one' => 1, 'two' => 2, 'three' => 3];
>     $packd = range(1, 4);
>     var_dump(array_offset($assoc, -1));
>     var_dump(array_offset($packd, -1));
>     var_dump(array_offset($assoc, 0));
>     var_dump(array_offset($packd, 0));
> Of course, the `array_slice` function can be used to build all of the
> functions described in the RFC, as well.

How would you do that, since array_slice still gives you an associative array 
as a result?
array_values(array_slice($array, -1, 1, true))[0] is way less readable than 
array_last_value($array), and the question «how efficient is that and how many 
array copies are made?» becomes complicated to answer for non-initiated.
While with a native function you expect it to be as efficient as possible to do 
what you ask it.
(And as you state in your other mail in the end this array_slice solution is 
not as efficient as you expected)

I would have been fine with array_key($array, $offset=0) and 
array_value($array, $offset=0) instead of the 4 functions from the RFC to be 
able to use any offset.


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