On Saturday, September 22, 2018 2:32:04 PM CDT Rasmus Schultz wrote:
> Larry,
> this wasn't aimed at "you" personally, I'm just using the proverbial "you",
> as in "not me".
> if you read my last post (especially the last part) carefully, you'll see
> why this elephant analogy is incomplete.
> the issue is not whether or not something gets in - it's much more far
> reaching than that.
> the issue is, once something gets in, can you even be sure that that
> something is what it claims to be?

.. Yes?

> at the moment you can't, and that's a serious issue - type hints appear to
> provide some guarantees that in fact aren't provided at all. it's
> confusing, and the explanations are more complex than they need to be.
> (and I guess that's generally an issue in very dynamic languages, but type
> hints are supposed to provide a means to improve on these problems where it
> makes sense - not make the problems worse.)

Do you have a code sample to explain what you mean?  At the moment I really 
have a hard time envisioning what the pitfall is, especially if we were to add 
checkpoint validity checks.

What's the code that would appear safe but really isn't?  Please show us, 
because I don't know what it is.

--Larry Garfield

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