On Fri, 19 Oct 2018 at 10:18, Dmitry Stogov <dmi...@zend.com> wrote:
> I would like to start discussion on a Preloadng RFC 
> https://wiki.php.net/rfc/preload

This sounds great!

If I understand correctly, this could also be included in Composer as
a new autoload type "preload" (which would be an array of files to
preload in a given package), so that Composer would generate
vendor/composer/preload.php as a list of includes to all the files in
every installed package that asked for preloading. Sounds like a
relatively easy addition that would let any library define their own
symbols. Obviously users can then choose to preload that file or not.

JIT-ing the sum of all preloaded classes/functions as once vs
function-level JIT also sounds like a very exciting prospect!


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