On 02.01.2019 at 12:32, Zeev Suraski wrote:

> On Wed, Jan 2, 2019 at 11:26 AM Nikita Popov <nikita....@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Wed, Jan 2, 2019 at 12:30 AM Stanislav Malyshev <smalys...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>> We have a rather hard policy against ini options that influence language
>> behavior. Locale-dependent language behavior is essentially the same issue,
>> just worse due to the mentioned issues, in particularly lack of
>> thread-safety and the possibility that the locale is changed by third-party
>> libraries at runtime.
>> We have removed existing ini flags controlling language behavior in the
>> past. I would say these removals were much more significant than what is
>> proposed here, but we did them anyway, and I think we are now in a better
>> place for it.
> Unless I'm missing something, changing this behavior would require a full,
> line-by-line audit of the code - with no Search & Replace patterns that can
> find these instances in any reasonable level of reliability.  Every place
> where a floating number (which could come from anywhere, so not very easy
> to track) is used in a string context (which too can happen in countless
> different contexts, virtually impossible to track) would be affected.
> Sounds pretty nightmarish to me.  I for one fail to recall a behavioral
> change that was quite as significant as this one in terms of the complexity
> of finding instances that must be updated.  Like Stas, I'm not disputing
> that this is not an ideal behavior or that we'd do it differently if we
> were starting from scratch - but I also agree with him that it's pretty
> much out of the question to simply change it at this point.
> Can you point out a change you believe is as or more significant than this
> one that we did?  I think the only one that comes close is
> magic_quotes_runtime, and even that was significantly easier to handle in
> terms of the cost of auditing the code (again, unless I'm missing
> something, which is of course very much a possibility).

Wasn't the removal of register_globals a similar change?  Not so long
ago I've stumbled upon a script which counteracted this by extract()ing
the superglobals manually (surely, a very bad practise, but at least
some kind of workaround to keep legacy scripts going).  However, the
introduction of “Uniform Variable Syntax”[1] may have caused similar
issues; likely without any possible workaround.

> The solution for this *might* be a very unholy one - actually going against
> our practices adding a new INI entry to would disable the locale-awareness
> for float->string conversions;  But for upgrade considerations, I don't
> think we can even consider simply changing this behavior and forcing
> virtually everyone using a non-dot decimal separator to undergo a full code
> audit.

Would it be a sensible option to trigger a warning or notice whenever a
float is converted to string yielding a different result than before,
using an ini directive to control this?  Or perhaps even throw a
deprecation notice in this case, without even introducing an ini directive?

[1] <https://wiki.php.net/rfc/uniform_variable_syntax>

Christoph M. Becker

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