On Wed, Jan 9, 2019 at 6:28 AM Christoph M. Becker <cmbecke...@gmx.de>

> The problem with ext/xmlrpc is that it relies on libxmlrpc-epi[1], which
> looks abandoned.  Even worse, we're bundling a modified 0.51[2], while
> the latest version is 0.54.1[3].  This is exacerbated by the fact that
> the system library is usually build against libexpat, but the bundled
> library is likely to be build against libxml2 using our compat layer.
> We most recently fixed two security issues[4], but it is likely not
> clear whether these may affect latest system libraries as well, and
> there are more issues.
> So unless a maintainer steps forward, it might be best to deprecate
> and/or unbundle ext/xmlrpc.
> IMO, xmlrpc is one of those extensions which could trivially be
re-implemented as pure PHP code.  It would depend on ext/dom or similar for
serde, but everything else is just business logic that can be lifted out of
the runtime and probably made WAY better.  In fact, a quick google says
something in that spirit already exits:

I don't think we need to put energy into finding maintainers for extensions
which don't need to exist.  Send it to Siberia, afaic.


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