On Sa, 2019-03-02 at 11:59 -0800, Steven Penny wrote:

> 1. Modify one or more of "print", "print_r", "var_export" such that
> they produce
>    a newline by default

This is a break of backwards compatibility in a bad way. This breaks
people doing specific output.

> 2. Modify one or more of "print", "print_r", "var_export" such that
> they have an
>    argument similar to Python "end" that controls what follows the
> input, if
>    anything:
>    https://docs.python.org/library/functions.html#print

PHP's echo has the option already:

  echo $foo, PHP_EOL;

not much difference i effort to writing

   print $foo, true;

except that the code is explicit.

> 3. Add a new method, perhaps "echoln", "println", "say" or similar,
> that outputs
>    a newline by default

function println($a) {
    echo $a, PHP_EOL;

Can easily be done in library.

> 4. introduce a new variable, perhaps "$OUTPUT_RECORD_SEPARATOR",
> "$ORS", "$\" or
>    similar, that controls output record separator

Such magic is hard to debug and easily leads to bugs in user code.

While sometimes having a shortcut at hand is nice, next request will be
to automatically add a "<br>" as we often produce HTML and thn the ex
request and next and this becomes messy and making everything harder
for very little benefit.


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