On Sun, Mar 17, 2019 at 6:57 PM Rob Richards <rricha...@ctindustries.net>

> I'll take a look through the lists you have but you need to remember
> that the DOM specs were not written for HTML. While HTML might have some
> more restrictive requirements that piggy back on the DOM specs
> themselves, they are not the standard for DOM. The output HTML
> functionality was more convenience methods than part of the core extension,

Just dealing with the latest WHATWG DOM specs (not the html-specific part)
would still involve grappling with `getAttribute` behavior, the case of
nodeName (search for "HTML-uppercased qualified name" in the DOM spec), the
numeric node type of the root document, performance of methods on
namespaced nodes, etc.  It would certainly be a useful step forward, even
if it weren't a full HTML DOM.

What would be even better is if the hooks were present to allow subclassing
the core DOM types so that you could implement HTMLElement in pure PHP as a
subclass of DOMElement, etc.  For example, right now it is impossible to
create a new DOMNodeList from PHP, which makes pure PHP implementations of
the missing HTML DOM methods (like querySelectorAll) impossible (for
example wikimedia/zest-css has to return an array instead of a DOMNodeList).

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