On 24/03/2019 13:47, Dan Ackroyd wrote:
It's worth noting that even after the extension is moved from core to it's
own repository, most people using it on Debian or Centos/Redhat/Fedora
won't notice any difference.

On one hand this is correct but the reason I got stung with a move to PHP7.2 before I was ready was because SUSE pulled the 7.0 repo despite 7.0 being the LTS version on that base distribution. I needed to rebuild a machine, but the key component was not available ... and in hindsight I should probably have pulled a copy of 7.0 from php.net rather than taking the 7.2 replacement.

On one hand we get good support from the various distributions, but being able to dovetail that in with the main project can be essential at times! Being ALLOWED to select when we have completed upgrading our end to be compatible is rather important these days, given the much faster upgrade cycles, but not always easy where distros 'keep up to date' automatically :( And even more difficult when they stick with an older version when you need the updated one :(

Lester Caine - G8HFL
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