On Tue, Jun 25, 2019 at 3:09 PM Arnold Daniels
<arnold.adaniels...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I would like to open the discussion for RFC: "Strict operators directive".
> This RFC proposes a new directive 'strict_operators'. When enabled, operators 
> may cast operands to the expected type, but must comply to;
> * Typecasting is not based on the type of the other operand
> * Typecasting is not based on the value of any of the operands
> * Operators will throw a TypeError for unsupported types
> Reasoning; The current rules for type casting done by operators are 
> inconsistent and complex, which can lead to surprising results where a 
> statement seemingly contradicts itself.
> Using a directive means that backwards compatibility is guaranteed.
> https://wiki.php.net/rfc/strict_operators
> Yours,
> Arnold Daniels
> [Arnold Daniels - Chat @ 
> Spike](https://www.spikenow.com/?ref=spike-organic-signature&_ts=1mzl6)       
>  [1mzl6]

Hello, thanks for the impressive work...
I have just one interrogation: why disallow `~` for strings?
(e.g. currently `~"\x00\x01\x02"` gives `"\xFF\xFE\xFD"`)

Guilliam Xavier

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