On Mon, 29 Jul 2019 at 15:41, Nikita Popov <nikita....@gmail.com> wrote:

> This proposal (at least combined with a declare that enforces use of
> call-site annotations) addresses that concern. out/inout parameters do not
> address this concern, because they are an mechanism that would be used *in
> addition* to normal by-ref passing, and as such not address any problems it
> has.
> The only way I see in which out/inout would actually address the concern
> of this proposal is if out/inout were used instead of & at the call-site,
> but the parameter were still a normal reference. I don't think that's a
> good idea because it breaks symmetry between arguments and parameters, and
> also squanders any future potential to use out/inout as a way to reduce
> reference-use in this context.
> Does that make sense, Rowan? To put is more compactly, what I want is an
> eventual state where given $fn($a) I have a guarantee that $a is not going
> to be magically modified, without having to perform any global reasoning
> about what $fn may refer to. If an alternative proposal does not result in
> this eventual state, then it is not an alternative to this proposal (but
> possibly still a valuable addition in itself).

It does, yes. I guess what I had in mind was that *in the long-term*,
out/inout parameters would replace & parameters, so rather than
declare(require_reference_at_call_site=1) you would have

Whether or not it's a direct alternative to this proposal, I also worry
that out/inout parameters are somewhat mutually exclusive with it: the more
effort is spent on making reference parameters "better", the less appetite
there will be for replacing them altogether. I agree the behaviour of type
annotations would need deciding, but arguably that should have been true
for by-reference parameters; it's somewhat bizarre that you can write
"function foo(SomeClass &$x) { $x=42; }" The solution would probably be to
reuse the "typed references" from the typed property implementation.

> Bob has brought up another interesting issue: This proposal currently does
> not address the case of foo(...$a), where references into $a may be added
> if foo() has by-reference parameters. The suggestion was to use foo(&...$a)
> -- however in this case only to *allow* the use of references, not require
> it (some args may be by-val while others may be by-ref).

There's probably a bit of a rabbit-hole if the mission is "make references
explicit". An array containing a reference can be passed by value, for
instance, so $fn($a) might not technically modify $a, but still modify
elements inside it. So it seems like we come back to "this is kind of
useful information but may not actually offer a hard guarantee".

Rowan Collins

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