
On 8/28/19 4:23 PM, Matthew Brown wrote:
> $foo++ becoming 1 when $foo is undefined is not intuitive to me.

I guess we have different intuition.

> To take a very trivial example, that behaviour causes “for ($i = 0;
> $i < 10; $I++) {}” to loop indefinitely.
This is rather shallow issue, which any modern IDE would highlight for
you in about 0.5 seconds. No need to change the language for that.
Frankly, I have hard time remembering when any of such typos ever get
past IDE check since I started using IDEs.
And, of course, it's completely obvious issue - you could as well forget
to write $i++ at all, or write $j++ and have $j defined somewhere...
there's a lot of artificial scenarios one could think of. No reason to
change rules of the whole language because of it.

Stas Malyshev

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