чт, 12 сент. 2019 г. в 15:33, Marco Pivetta <ocram...@gmail.com>:

> Hey Rowan,
> <http://ocramius.github.com/>
> On Thu, Sep 12, 2019 at 3:30 PM Rowan Tommins <rowan.coll...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > For instance, for undefined array keys, what if we had an operator for
> > "initialise and retrieve", such as $foo[? 'bar']. Then we could simplify
> > ugly code like this:
> >
> > if ( ! isset($foo[$key1]) {
> >    $foo[$key1] = [];
> > }
> > if ( ! isset($foo[$key1][$key2]) {
> >    $foo[$key1][$key2] = 0;
> > }
> > $foo[$key1][$key2]++;
> >
> >
> > With something safe but succinct like this:
> >
> > $foo[? $key1][? $key2]++;
> >
> $foo[$key1][$key2] = ($foo[$key1][$key2] ?? 0) + 1;
> Marco Pivetta
> http://twitter.com/Ocramius
> http://ocramius.github.com/

This message contains a healthy dose of sarcasm.

Hi Marko and Rowan :)

*Me reviewing the PR with that code*
*Clicks "Changes required"
[ Please rewrite this statement into easy readable format with an if ]
* Clicks send *

Think what you must, but 6 months when you come back to code like this you
have to stop, look at it hard and figure out what the hell actually happens
Breaks reading flow.

One thing I like PHP for is a distinct lack of huge amounts of syntax
Take Ruby - it's a hell to read the code. Even Vagrantfile has tons of
results about what syntax for arrays to use and things breaking because you
end up mixing stuff and you get at least 4 different answers to the same
question and it looks like all are correct. Confusing as hell :)

What I'm trying to say is some of us choose PHP for it's "there is one
syntax - use it". If people want syntax sugar - there are other languages
that fit that much better. Leave us, peasants, in our peasant non-syntax
sugar world alone :D

But many of us would also like the language engine to tighten up some of
its extremely relaxed parts that do not fit in modern development
environments and the lowest bar of the code quality rise a bit. Otherwise,
the gap between high-end development and newbies is going to be even bigger
than it is now.
I hire people, that's part of my job. One of the criteria is the approach
to errors/warning/notices. Imagine how that goes.

Arvīds Godjuks

+371 26 851 664
Skype: psihius
Telegram: @psihius https://t.me/psihius

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