
> When evaluating the _unique_ cost of migrating legacy code, it should be 
> balanced with the _continual_ cost of keeping the feature. That includes:
> * People wondering what that strange syntax does, or, worse, mistaking it 
> with a variation of string literal.
> * Difficulty to search occurrences of `shell_exec`.
> * People trying to deactivate functions executing external programs (such as 
> `shell_exec`) using the "disable_function" ini directive, wondering how to 
> deactivate the backtick operator (since there is no `disable_operator` 
> directive).

These are not costs, since "people wondering" does not cost anybody
anything. People are free to wonder about anything, it's not a cost on
existing users on PHP. If those people are interested in learning
something, they'd read the manual and know. If they don't, they can keep
wondering, it's not an argument for anything.

Stas Malyshev

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