I like that
 I will not speak any harsh words to anybody from today . we are yogis

muneerah alshaneefi
honer Secretary for saudi arabia
200 hour  core power yoga
R. Y. T  yoga allia

On Sun, May 2, 2010 at 9:48 AM, international yoga <
internationalyogafederat...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> I am karma yogi because I have Love.
> I am working as Secretary at IYF because karma is LOVE.
> The word 'ahimsa' literally means not to injure or show cruelty to any
> creature or any person, in any way whatsoever. Ahimsa is, however, more than
> just lack of violence, as adapted in yoga. It means kindness, friendliness,
> and thoughtful consideration of other people, animals, plants and things. It
> has to do with our duties and responsibilities too.
> Ahimsa implies that in every situation, we should adopt a considerate
> attitude. A Yogi should always speak sweet words and never should have an
> amiable, loving, sociable nature. He should be able to move and mix with
> everybody without distinction of caste, creed or race. He should have
> perfect adaptability, mercy and prema cosmic love. Yogi should be
> sympathetic and tolerant.
> I will not speak any harsh word to anybody from today, we are yogis.
> Swami Sivanandaji and Swami Asurikapilandaji. Teach like Chidanandaji,
> Vishnudevanandaji and Maitreyanandaji. Ahimsa. Our president Swamini Gauri
> theach ahimsa. They never wrote bad words or letter against another yogi,
> yoga teachers or yoga masters as politicians in war.
> Why?, coz they are yogis and yogis practice ahimsa.
> Therefore, wise sages prescribe Ahimsa (non-injury). This is the most
> effective master-method to counteract and eradicate completely the brutal,
> cruel Pasu-Svabhava (bestial nature) in human.
> Because the only who you need is LOVE............. Just LUV.
> Practice of Ahimsa develops love. Ahimsa is another name for truth or love.
> With out Ahimsa you never can talk about yoga.
> Ahimsa is universal love. It is pure love. It is divine Prem. Where there
> is love, there you will find Ahimsa. Where there is Ahimsa, there you will
> find love and selfless service. They all go together.
> The PREMAYANA means the vehicule of Love. - the religion of love, of peace.
> There is one message, the message of Ahimsa. Ahimsa is a supreme duty of
> man.
> Sometimes, a man insults another man or many women just for take power
> because need segurity or be the president of All Universe Yoga Federation.
> But if you don´t have disciples, chelas, centre or ashram you only have a
> name. And the power is just a paper.
> And you loose the LOVE.
> And they use violence because they don´t have LOVE .
> But the only who they need is LOVE. The only who WE need is LOVE.
> Love, Love, Love.
> Love, Love, Love.
> Love, Love, Love.
> There's nothing you can do that can't be done.
> Nothing you can sing that can't be sung.
> Nothing you can say but you can learn how to play the game.
> It's easy.
> Nothing you can make that can't be made.
> No one you can save that can't be saved.
> Nothing you can do but you can learn how to be you in time.
> It's easy.
> All you need is love.
> All you need is love.
> All you need is love, love.
> Love is all you need.
> PREM to all
> Swamini Padma
> General Secretary of International Yoga Federation

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