

Following our recent Newsletter, we have added three further items to our
calendar of events.   The newly-added events are marked with asterisks in
the revised listing:



May 15         Workshop on Yoga and Breast Cancer.   Dr H R Nagendra, Meera
Rao and Rama Rao

                  from Svyasa University (further info about the workshop
leaders, attached)


*June 12       Workshop on Asthma and related conditions.  Robin Monro
(details, below, and also attached) 


Aug 26         Residential Retreat with Dr Shrikrishna

- 1 Sep


*Nov 5-7      Residential Retreat with Dr Uma Krishnamurthy (TBC)


*Nov 19-30   Tour of sacred centres in India with Dr Uma Krishnamurthy
(Details available on request)



Robin Monro, PhD

Yoga Biomedical Trust

T: 020-8245 6420






Robin Monro


A workshop for yoga therapy practitioners, teachers and advanced students



Date:           Saturday 12 June 2010

Time:           10:00am to 5:00pm

Venue:         “One”, London E2 6GF

Fee:             £55



This workshop is intended for yoga therapists, teachers and advanced
students.  It will assume a knowledge of the anatomy and physiology of
respiration equivalent at least to that of our Yoga Therapy Diploma Course.


Robin Monro is particularly interested in yoga therapy for asthma because it
was the yogic cure of his own asthma that led him to set up the Yoga
Biomedical Trust.   His insights into asthma continue to evolve, as his own
practice deepens, and his experience of teaching people with breathing
conditions grows.


Robin will lecture on the anatomy, physiology and pathology of asthma, and
lead practical sessions on (a) assessment of asthma and (b) the focusing of
postural, breathing, relaxation and meditational practices for people with
asthma.   He will consider hyperventilation and mild COPD alongside asthma.




Venue:  “One”, 1 Teesdale Street, London, EC2 6GF (Readily accessible from

             Green on the Central Line, and Liverpool Street Station)


Refreshments:  Teas are provided.   Lunch will be available from “One” (£5),
or you can

                          bring a packed lunch or go to a local café.  





Yoga Biomedical Trust, 31 Dagmar Road, London N22 7RT

Tel:  020-8245 6420     

MOB:  07549-943 442    





Robin Monro,  Saturday, 12 June 2010






09:30     Doors open


10:00    Chanting and meditation


10:15    Lecture:    Anatomy and physiology of respiration

                              Asthma and related conditions   


11:00    Break


11:30    Theory and practice:    Yoga therapy for asthma and related


13:00     LUNCH BREAK


14:00     Deep relaxation


14:15     Theory and practice:    Assessment and monitoring of asthma


15:30   Theory and practice     Yoga therapy for asthma and related
conditions (cont.)


16:30    Q & A, and feedback


16:50    Meditation


17:00    End



Booking Form for Asthma Workshop

Saturday 12 June 2010



Your name ………………………………………………………………………………………………………...


Address .……………………………………………………………………………………………………………


……………..……………………………………………………………..  Postcode …………………………..


Telephone …………………………… Email …………………………………………………………………


Payment:        Fee(£55):
£ .…..


 Packed lunch (optional) (£5)         £  …..


*Donation (optional):                   £…….


 Total:                                       £…….


*We invite donations to help develop and promote  yoga therapy


Please TICK:


[ ] Cheque enclosed  (payable to Yoga Biomedical Trust) or


[ ] Please charge  £……  to my Visa / Mastercard / Switch:


Card number……………………………………………………………  Expiry date………..


Issue date……………………….Issue number……………………….(Switch only)


Name as it appears on card ……………………………………………………………………


Signed ………………………………………………………………………………………. Date ………………



Please return this form to:   


                                 Yoga Biomedical Trust, 31 Dagmar Road,
London N22 7RT



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