Esalen’s 6th Annual Yoga Festival
Embodying the Divine: Five Days, Five Deities
June 6-11, 2010
Douglas Brooks, Saul David Raye, Janet Stone, Sianna Sherman & MC Yogi
The stories and myths of yoga are one of the most engaging ways to dive into 
yogic practices. The rich texture of each story carries us deeply into our 
hearts, imaginations, and the profound domain of self-reflective insight. This 
sixth annual Esalen Yoga Festival will have a special emphasis on the stories, 
myths, and essential teachings that transmit the sacred knowledge of the yoga 
tradition and awaken the inner light of the Self. Your whole self will be 
honored and engaged to dive into the divine possibilities of expansion and 
identity. We will gather every day with a different deity for asana practice, 
storytelling, chanting mantras, breath meditation, music, and dancing. Five 
luminous teachers will draw from their personal connection to each deity and 
invite us all to share our sacred story of awakening, both in everyday life and 
the larger awakening of our planet.
As we engage in the practices of yoga, greater clarity begins to infuse every 
area of our lives. A lightness of being begins to emanate from our very core 
and we find ourselves more able to expand our hearts even in the most 
challenging situations. By immersing ourselves in this week of guided living 
wisdom practices, we will create a solid foundation for each participant to 
return to his or her home and family with more clarity, ease, and a deeper 
understanding of how to continue on the yogic path in everyday life.
On day one, we will cross the threshold of our exploration by welcoming 
Ganesha, whose myths, forms, and mantras are gateways to the secrets of the 
heart. On the second day, we will leap across the ocean of karma to play with 
Hanuman and see ourselves in the great yoga of commitment, and in the opening 
of the midline of possibilities. On day three we will move into the subtle 
light and the revealing darkness of the great Mother Durga, the empowerment of 
the heart's longing and the protective energy of grace. From Durga's dynamic 
transformation, on day four we will move to the explosive alchemy of Shiva's 
expansive consciousness of Self with chant and story, through images of 
serenity and destruction, and with dance and creativity. On day five we 
conclude with the power of pure auspiciousness, the bounty and resplendence of 
the goddess who celebrates life's affirmation, Lakshmi. Five days, five 
deities: a journey through the maze, the house of mirrors,
 and the prismatic change that is our gift of human embodiment.
The early mornings will be free time to soak in the tubs, stroll the beautiful 
grounds of Esalen, and meditate on your own while breathing the ocean air. 
After breakfast, there will be offerings of mid-morning asana classes with the 
various teachers. Each day, MC Yogi will be with one of the three asana 
teachers to infuse the experience with rapping, stories, and electric fun. 
There will be free time after lunch to receive massages, soak in the Esalen hot 
springs overlooking the Pacific, rest, recharge, and connect with other yogis. 
Dr. Douglas Brooks will offer late afternoon sessions in which we will explore 
our understanding of each deity through story, lecture, mantra, and guided 
meditations. There will be at least one other afternoon offering in addition to 
the sessions with Douglas, including Acro yoga, sweat lodge ceremonies (weather 
permitting), and partner Thai yoga. Evenings will include devotional chanting, 
a concert by MC Yogi, expanded time
 with Douglas, and a dance party on our final night together.
Please note: This festival will be full and spirited. Expect to be in large 
classes with yoga mats very close together. Please bring your own yoga mat, 
towel, a zafu (cushion) for meditation, a block, and a strap.
Leader Biographies
Douglas Brooks is a leading scholar of Hindu Tantrism and the esoteric 
traditions of the Goddess. In addition to his formal Western education, Douglas 
lived for many years in India in the house of his teacher, according to the 
traditions of Guru Kulam in which the student is initiated into all facets of 
the Indian classical Sanskrit education, including philosophy, yoga, ritual, 
and worship.
Saul David Raye is known for his empowering and transformational approach to 
yoga, healing, and spirituality. He spent several years in Asia and India 
studying and practicing yoga, Thai massage, Pranic healing, and meditation. 
Saul's teaching draws on the depth of the yoga tradition, Ayurveda, tantra, and 
all forms of universal light love and wisdom. He holds certifications in yoga, 
bodywork, and energy healing, is an ordained minister and musician who infuses 
his classes with healing music and chants. He is a student of Paramahamsa 
Nithyananda and continues his studies under his guidance.
Sianna Sherman is an internationally-recognized Anusara yoga teacher who 
delights in storytelling, poetry, spontaneous dance, and long walks in nature. 
She has a special appreciation for the mythological roots of yoga and often 
teaches workshops called Mythic Yoga Flow which infuse Anusara yoga, stories, 
and music. She began her studies of yoga in 1989, lived in India where she met 
and studied with Gurumayi Chidvilasanda and subsequently had the great blessing 
of meeting her primary mentor John Friend in 1995. She studies closely with 
Tantric scholars Dr. Douglas Brooks and Dr. Paul Muller Ortega.
In 1996, Janet Stone traveled to India, the birthplace of her grandfather, 
where she met a powerful yogi and became dedicated to a conscious evolution 
through yoga. As one of San Francisco’s leading yoga instructors, Janet blends 
a wealth of knowledge and yoga experience to create a unique, 
vigorous-yet-sumptuous approach to Vinyasa yoga that effortlessly melds 
awareness with movement and breath. She currently follows the teachings of her 
two young daughters, India and Lilianna, who shed the light on all things 
profound and wondrous.
MC Yogi, aka Nicholas Giacomini, grew up in Northern California painting 
graffiti and listening to hip hop. He spent most of his high school years at a 
group home for at-risk youth, and hip hop culture provided both a soundtrack 
and a creative outlet during those turbulent teenage years. Then at age 18 he 
discovered yoga, and began studying the physical forms, as well as meditation, 
philosophy, and devotional chanting. By combining his knowledge of yoga with 
his love for hip hop music, MC Yogi creates an exciting new sound that brings 
the wisdom of yoga to a whole new generation of modern mystics and urban yogis.
Make an online reservation now, or call (831) 667-3005.
Get more information about reservations, accommodations and pricing.
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