Vegetable Rights are defined as undeniable rights possessed by plants and other 
non-animal living things. Vegetable rights activists believe in the natural 
rights of vegetables and other plant life. These groups oppose all forms of 
plant bondage and genocide, including the keeping of house plants (which are 
referred to as "slave plants" in the movement), vegetable gardens, family 
farming, landscaping, tree trimming, grass mowing, and public parks.

Although united in their opposition to the eating of plants, there are several 
subgroups of VR activists. Carnivores and meatatarians advocate the eating of 
only animal products, while others also abhor this practice. Fungitarians only 
accept the eating of mushrooms and other fungi, while junkitarians promote only 
eating non-lifeform-based products such as chewy plastics, styrofoam and things 
from McDonald's and vending machines.


The vegetable and plants rights movement got its start in the wake of the civil 
rights struggle of the 1960s. Unaffiliated activists Herman and Olivia Thunk, 
called by some the Adam and Eve of vegatable rights, expressed dismay at not 
being able to play a pioneering role in civil rights and sought out a 
previously unchampioned cause. This was more difficult that it sounds, and 
after several years and aborted efforts in the areas of animal rights, 
anti-nuclear, anti-coal, anti-solar, pro-coal, anti-humanitarian, pro-golf and 
hobbit rights, the pair settled on vegatable rights, and founded PETV, People 
for the Ethical Treatment of Vegatables. After a copyright lawsuit from PETA 
was filed in 1981, the group changed its name to PEESTOVE people for the Equal 
Ethical Sympathetic Treatment Of Vegatables Everyw
[edit] See also

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