These are some podcasts from international and public radio sources that I've 
found particularly interesting and edifying as I'm "plodding along" in my 
regular exercise regimen.  

In addition to via the websites referenced, these podcasts generally are made 
available through several other popular internet sources such as iTunes and 


ALL IN THE MIND - ABC Radio National
Willpower is the greatest human strength and helps us to reach any goal we 
choose according to the pioneering research psychologist Roy Baumeister. He 
shows that our ability to control ourselves is a finite energy, it is fuelled 
by glucose and like a muscle, it can be strengthened with specific exercises. 
We also hear the latest on how self control relates to anger and aggression. 
(Transcript also available.)

June 22, 2014
"Its new radio essays and occasional poetry followed by complementary music* 
capture our times, passions and curiosities. The contributor led content is 
selected from open submission and commissioned writing presented by new voices 
and established names.  Reportage, appreciations, memory pieces, poetry, travel 
writing and personal accounts of events and happenings are the stuff of Sunday 
Miscellany. The programme is part of Sunday mornings since 1968. It is 
essential listening to thousands across Ireland and the world." [from the RTE 
Radio 1 program web page]
Freewheeling by Michael O’Loughlin
Fire by Carmel Cummins
Handbags by Katy Hayes
Coming Home for Good by Denis Sampson
The Telegraph by Henry Bacík
(*Due to rights restrictions, the music portions are available only on the live 
radio version.)


John Figliozzi
The Worldwide Listening Guide - 6th edition now available

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