IN OUR TIME from BBC Radio 4 might be the most intellectually challenging 
program on radio.  But it is made most accessible by its presenter, Melvyn 
Bragg, who seats himself as the listener asking questions of his learned and 
erudite guests in a manner that elucidates the topic and brings that which may 
be initially complex into sharper and more readily understood focus.  That 
said, the programs demands more from the listener than most —that is, his or 
her undivided attention.  It is not unusual for me to find myself winding the 
podcast back a bit to recapture something I might have missed in a moment of 
mind drift or inattention.  However, I am never disappointed and always end up 
far better informed than I was before the program began.


“Rate, Rank, Review and Measure”
FUTURE TENSE - ABC Radio National
We rate, we rank, we review, we measure and we also track.  We do it to 
ourselves, our friends, the companies we purchase products from and also the 
places where we eat, drink and sleep.  Author and futurist Richard Watson 
thinks it’s a sign of obsession. But he also sees the funny side of it – you 
know, restaurant patrons more intent on reviewing a meal rather than enjoying 
it.  But what are the limits? In China, they’ve begun implementing a ‘social 
credit system’. Perhaps the ultimate in measuring and ranking: a national 
scheme to give every individual a personal social rating. (29”),-rank,-review-and-measure/7172800

“’Robert Hooke”
Melvyn Bragg and guests discuss the life and work or Robert Hooke (1635-1703) 
who worked for Robert Boyle and was curator of experiments at the Royal 
Society. His “Micrographia" caused a sensation when published in 1665. 
Sometimes remembered for his disputes with Newton, he studied the planets with 
telescopes and snowflakes with microscopes. He was an early proposer of a 
theory of evolution, discovered light diffraction with a wave theory to explain 
it and felt he was rarely given due credit for his discoveries.  (43”)

Good listening!

John Figliozzi
The Worldwide Listening Guide
New 7th edition now available from Universal Radio, Amazon and

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