Call for Papers

"Bridging Communities: Community Theory and Practice in a Changing World"
Interdisciplinary Conference
Wilfrid Laurier University
Brantford, Ont. (Canada)

This conference is being organized to enhance interdisciplinary ties between
those in the academic world exploring ideas of community, and those
practitioners and organizations focused on community work.

Across the disciplines we find diverse definitions, boundaries and societal
implications associated with ideas of 'community' - making for complex and
contested theoretical terrain. Meanwhile, community, as a powerful
taken-for-granted discourse in our day-to-day worlds, serves as the basis for
a diversity of local social, environmental, and political practices. And, it
does this within continuously shifting social and political contexts. It is
this juncture of community theory and praxis upon which the Laurier Brantford
conference is situated this coming September 30-October 2, 2004.

Our keynote speaker for this conference will be Dr. Susan Wismer, associate
professor and chair of the Environment and Resource Studies program at the
University of Waterloo. After a 20 year career as a community development
worker, she joined academia and since then has pursued issues, both in Canada
and internationally, related to equity, gender, sustainable livelihoods, and
community-based development. We invite paper submissions and workshops which
theorize about communities and/or provide grounded experience in community
work, while also addressing the issue of how to bridge gaps between community
theory and praxis. The kinds of areas which we see as appropriate to the
conference theme include, but are not restricted to:

Community and:

   * Governance
   * Identity and Place
   * Exclusion/Inclusion
   * Development
   * History
   * Education
   * Culture(s)
   * Change, Difference
   * Celebration
   * Sustainability
   * Environment
   * Symbolism

Deepening the examination of community while developing stronger ties and
understandings with those doing the work of 'community' will lead to a
collection of this "bridging" experience for publication.

Please send abstracts of either your workshop idea or paper, with a title and
brief description of 200-300 words, and contact information, to Robert Feagan
and Brenda Murphy (emails provided below).

The conference website will be updated as we go along.
Deadline for submissions is June 15th, 2004.


Robert Feagan; Brenda Murphy
Wilfrid Laurier University at Brantford
Contemporary Studies
Brantford, Ont. N3T 2Y3
Phone:(519) 756-8228 ext. 5798


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