Conference Announcement

"Multicultural Futures"
International Interdisciplinary Conference
International Metropolis Project
Monash Institute for the Study of Global Movements
Australian Multicultural Foundation
Tuscany (Italy)
22-23 September 2004

What role should multiculturalism play in diverse and
pluralistic societies? Long regarded as the premier policy
for the integration of immigrants and refugees in their
societies of destination, multiculturalism has increasingly
come under scrutiny from numerous sides in the migration
discussion. Will it remain the best way to manage the
challenges that lie ahead? Or will alternative approaches
such as interculturalism be better guides to public policy
in the 21st century? These fundamental issues will be
discussed at the Multicultural Futures conference to be held
at Monash University’s Prato Centre in Tuscany, Italy, 22-23
September 2004. Some of the world’s most renowned experts on
the subject, from Australia, Canada, Italy and the UK among
others, will discuss and examine these questions with an eye
towards developing a position on whether multiculturalism
ought to retain its pre-eminent position in integration
policy or whether the time has come to put forth an

The conference will look at the question directly and
through some related issues such as:
- Religious freedom in liberal pluralistic societies
- Gender equality
- The impact of multiculturalism on setting and implementing
  national polices in such fields as immigration, citizenship,
  foreign policy
- The emergence of interculturalism as an alternative
- Critiques of multiculturalism focused on national identity
  and the social safety net
- The current challenges to multiculturalism policy that
  different nations now face

Conference Secretariat:

Mrs Irene Thavarajah
Conference Management Office
Monash University
Building 70
Clayton, 3800
Tel: 61 (3) 9905 1344
Fax: 61 (3) 9905 1343


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