
Conference Announcement

"Justice and International Wrongdoing"
Interdisciplinary Workshop
School of Politics, International Studies and Philosophy,
Queen's University
Belfast, Northern Ireland (UK)
2-3 July 2009


On 2-3rd July, 2009, the School of Politics, International
Studies and Philosophy at Queen's University, Belfast, will
be playing host to a workshop on the theme of justice and
international wrongdoing. The aim of this event is to bring
together a range of specialists from philosophy, political
theory and international relations departments to explore
the ways in which international wrongdoing affects the
demands of global justice. Themes to be addressed include
the justification of international punishment, collective
responsibility, just war theory, and international
corrective justice.


The Conference Room, School of Politics, International
Studies and Philosophy, 21 University Square, Belfast.


Attendance at this event is free. However, those wishing to
attend are asked to register by emailing Jeremy Watkins at
<j.watk...@qub.ac.uk>. There will also be a dinner for
speakers and delegates in a local restaurant on the Thursday
evening. If you would like to attend, please indicate in
your email (cost approx. £20-25).


Thursday, 2nd July, 2009

2pm - 3.15pm
"What's the Point of the International Criminal Court?"
Professor Antony Duff, Professor of Philosophy, University
of Stirling

3.30pm - 4.45pm
"Kicking Bodies and Damning Souls: The Danger of Harming
'Innocent' Individuals While Punishing 'Delinquent' States"
Dr Toni Erskine, Senior Lecturer in International Politics,
Aberystwyth University

5pm - 6.15pm
"Punishment and International Crimes"
Dr Thom Brooks, Reader in Political and Legal Philosophy,
University of Newcastle

Friday, 3rd July, 2009

9.15am - 10.30am
"National Defence as Self-Defence"
Dr Helen Frowe, Lecturer in Philosophy, University of

10.45am - 12noon
"Who Should Be Held Responsible for Unjust Wars: Law, Ethics
and Armed Conflict"
Dr David Rodin, Research Fellow in Philosophy, University of

1pm - 2.15pm
"Climate Change and Historic Environmental Injustice"
Professor Simon Caney, Professor in Political Theory,
University of Oxford

2.30pm – 3.45pm
"Moral Limits on International Reparations"
Dr Jeremy Watkins, Lecturer in Philosophy, Queen’s
University, Belfast

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