
Call for Papers and Panels

"What Postcolonial Theory Doesn't Say"
Interdisciplinary Conference
University of Leeds
Manchester Metropolitan University
University of York
York (UK)
3-5 July 2010


Postcolonial Studies is firmly ensconced in the Anglophone
metropolitan academy: the field has its own specialised
journals, academic posts, postgraduate courses, and
dedicated divisions within learned bodies. But how well have
these configurations travelled to other locations,
institutions and disciplines? What topics, questions and
approaches remain unexplored? And what "thoretical"
postcolonial theory anyway?

This conference will examine these and related questions
through a set of interdisciplinary interventions aimed at
assessing not only what postcolonial theory (still) doesn't
say, but also what we would like it to say: in other words,
how we might best put the field's cultural and institutional
capital to use. Our intent, therefore, is not to repeat
well-rehearsed debates about the field's various failings,
but rather to advance the discussion by identifying common
goals and areas of enquiry. In order to promote a sense of
coherence among the papers and interventions at the
conference, applicants are encouraged to submit panel
proposals, though paper proposals are also welcome. Possible
subjects include, but are not limited to:

1. Institutional chronologies: the Reagan/Thatcher years and
the rise of postcolonial studies.

2. Postcolonial theory as travelling theory: adoptions,
adaptations, and critiques beyond the Anglophone metropole.

3. Neglected regions: East Asia, Latin America, Eastern
Europe and the Middle East.

4. Postcolonial theory and religion.

5. Postcolonial prospects: assets, liabilities and futures.

6. What's left in/of postcolonial theory: activism, Marxism
and globalisation.

7. What's wrong with belonging? Rethinking diaspora,
transnationalism and cosmopolitanism.

8. Postcolonial theory and the wars of the twenty-first
century (Iraq, Afghanistan, Zimbabwe).

9. Postcolonial theory and the aesthetic: form, narrative,
Third World aesthetics" the novel versus newer forms of
cultural text (film, comics, graphic novels etc.)

10. Postcolonial contraband: secrets, silence and

Please send 20-minute paper proposals or panel proposals
consisting of three papers, together with a brief bio, to
<yorkp...@googlemail.com> by October 1, 2009.

Questions and queries can be sent to the organizing

Ziad Elmarsafy, Department of English, University of York
Email: ze...@york.ac.uk

Anna Bernard, Department of English, University of York
Email: ab...@york.ac.uk

David Attwell, Department of English, University of York
Email: da...@york.ac.uk

Stuart Murray, Department of English, University of Leeds
Email: s.f.mur...@leeds.ac.uk

Eleanor Byrne, Department of English, Manchester
Metropolitan University
Email: e.by...@mmu.ac.uk


Ziad Elmarsafy
Department of English and Related Literature
University of York
York YO10 5DD
Tel: +44 (0)1904 433342
Fax: +44 (0)1904 433372
E-mail: yorkp...@googlemail.com


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