
Call for Papers

"Thinking (With)Out Borders II"
International Political Theory Conference
University of St Andrews
St Andrews, Scotland (UK)
1-2 July 2010


Recent years have seen an unprecedented broadening of
political theorizing with regard to the international.
Theoretical perspectives have moved across and beyond a
number of established boundaries—including geographical,
national, economic, ethnic, political, legal, and
disciplinary—to expand and diversify reflection on key
issues in world affairs. This conference, sponsored by the
Journal of International Political Theory, presents a major
opportunity for scholars working in the interdisciplinary
field of international political theory to discuss and
debate issues within this burgeoning area of study today, as
well as its important historical preoccupations and future
Keynote Speaker:
Fred Dallmayr

Packey J. Dee Professor of Political Science and Philosophy,
University of Notre Dame

Suggested topics include, but are not limited to:

- International political thought beyond the West
- Race, ethnicity and identity
- Globalization and global civil society
- Human rights and responsibilities
- Imperialisms and empire
- Democracy and peace
- The political imaginary
- Global constitutionalism
- Refugees and migration
- Global practices of violence
- Environment, technology and development

We actively encourage papers and panels discussing texts,
theories and thinkers from around the world. Papers should
conform to a twenty minute presentation time, followed by a
ten minute question period.

Interested scholars are invited to present proposals for
individual papers or entire panels by 4 January 2010.
Proposals should be sent by email to BOTH of the Conference
Co-Convenors: Dr Patrick Hayden (jp...@st-andrews.ac.uk) and
Dr Anthony Lang (a...@st-andrews.ac.uk), School of
International Relations, University of St Andrews, United

Proposals (300 words max) should include: title of paper,
abstract, full name(s), affiliation, an email address and at
least 3 keywords that best describe the subject of the
submission. Submissions are accepted on a rolling basis, and
authors of accepted presentations will be notified by email
as soon as their papers have been provisionally accepted.
The final acceptance of any paper, and its inclusion in the
programme, is confirmed only after participants have
registered in advance of the conference.

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