
Call for Papers

Theme: (Re)thinking Global Connectedness
Subtitle: Critical Perspectives on Globalization
Type: 2nd Annual Liberal Arts International Conference
Institution: Liberal Arts Program, Texas A&M University at Qatar
Location: Doha (Qatar)
Date: 26.–28.1.2014
Deadline: 15.9.2013


The Liberal Arts Program at Texas A&M University at Qatar is pleased
to announce the Call for Proposals for its Second Annual Liberal Arts
International Conference. This second annual conference will explore
the impacts of globalization from a variety of disciplinary lenses.

How has globalization transformed us individually and collectively?
How is globalization shaping notions of ethics? Is globalization
merely a shrinking of the world or is it transforming human
experience? What challenges does globalization pose to understandings
of the self and the other? How do we sustain a globalized world in
terms of food, energy, and education? Are we already living in a
post-globalized world?

We welcome submissions from across the spectrum of academic fields,
including politics, history, linguistics, technology, language
studies, sociology, anthropology, geography, economics, philosophy,
ethics, law, religion, and cultural studies. We especially encourage
contributions from PhD students and scholars working in non-western
and/or underrepresented regions.

Possible Conference Panels and Discussions:
- Conceptualizing Globalization
- Connections: Globalization and Technology
- (Re)Thinking Ethics in a Globalized World
- Linguistic Perspectives on Globalization
- Education in a Globalized World
- Historical Perspectives on Globalization
- Globalization: Comparative East-West Perspectives
- Global Movements: Environment, Peace, Violence
- Legal Concerns of a Bordered/Borderless World
- Gendering Globalization

Submission of individual papers and complete panel proposals on these
or other related themes are welcome. The conference can provide
substantial travel bursaries for international participants who need
funding. Select papers will be considered for publication in a
peer-reviewed volume or a special issue of an international journal.

In order to be considered, please submit a panel proposal or
individual paper proposal to include author(s) names, institution
affiliation, email address, and an abstract of 250 words with 5
keywords by September 15, 2013 to: laic2...@qatar.tamu.edu

Organizing Committee:

Dr. Leslie Seawright
Dr. Hassan Bashir
Dr. Phillip W. Gray
Dr. Troy Bickham


2nd Annual Liberal Arts International Conference
Liberal Arts Program
Texas A&M University at Qatar
PO Box 23874
Education City
Phone: +974 4423.0647
Email: laic2...@qatar.tamu.edu
Web: http://liberalarts.qatar.tamu.edu


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