
Call for Papers

Theme: European Expansion and Global Interaction
Type: 10th Biennial Conference
Institution: Forum on European Expansion and Global Interaction
Location: New Orleans, LA (USA)
Date: 21.–22.2.2014
Deadline: 16.9.2013


The Forum on European Expansion and Global Interaction (FEEGI)
invites paper proposals for its tenth biennial conference to be held
in New Orleans, LA, on February 21-22, 2014. FEEGI is interested in
papers that explore early modern interactions from a variety of
perspectives, across national and geographical categories, in an
attempt to enhance our understanding of the global consequences of
European expansion in the early modern world. Thus, we are interested
in creative approaches from a variety of fields and disciplines to
the study of the expansion of Europe and the world-wide response to
that expansion.

As our conference utilizes plenary sessions, we prefer individual
paper proposals. In rare circumstances, panels may also be submitted
for consideration; panels may also be re-organized to fit a larger
program organized thematically in order to encourage comparative
thinking outside the bounds of regionally- and
chronologically-bounded histories. If you are interested in
organizing a panel, please send an email to the address below first
to check on whether it would be appropriate; papers should still be
submitted individually.

FEEGI hopes to provide some financial support to graduate students
who are on the program.

Please enter proposals for individual papers no later than Monday,
September 16, 2013 by clicking on this link: http://bit.ly/16i7ww0

Proposers will be prompted to submit a paper title, 250-300 word
abstract, and the name, affiliation, and contact information of the
presenter, along with an abbreviated CV of no more than 500 words.

The Forum on European Expansion and Global Interaction (FEEGI) aims
to encourage scholarship and collaboration across the boundaries of
national histories and disciplinary frameworks.

Members come to FEEGI from a wide range of fields, interests, and
perspectives. Some members study Europe, others European colonies
overseas. Some focus on European expansion, while others work on
powerful kingdoms and empires or small scale societies around the
globe with which Europeans had different kinds of interactions. We
focus on the colonist and the colonized, on the conqueror and the
conquered. We specialize in different oceanic basins and land masses.
Some of us adopt a global perspective while others pursue
microhistory. Some live within nations whose histories are deeply
entangled with the issues central to FEEGI's intellectual scope. But,
together, we look at places and people touched directly and
indirectly, benignly or catastrophically, by the process of enhanced
global interaction that commenced in the fourteenth century.

Please send any questions, comments, or notification of trouble with
online submissions to: Philip J Stern, Department of History, Duke
University, feegi2...@gmail.com


Philip J. Stern
Department of History
Duke University
Email: feegi2...@gmail.com
Web: http://www.feegi.org/conferences.htm


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