
Call for Applications

Type: Research Fellowships on Global Cooperation
Institution: Centre for Global Cooperation Research,
University of Duisburg-Essen
Location: Duisburg (Germany)
Deadline: 20.8.2013


The Käte Hamburger Kolleg / Centre for Global Cooperation Research
invites applications for fellowships starting in April 2014. The
Centre will offer six to eight fellowships across the four research
units. The fellows will work at the Centre for a period of six to
twelve months.

The Centre is calling for people working on „Culture“ as a limit
and/or a resource for global cooperation. Within this research topic,
we intend to overcome ‘substantialist’ views of culture (as a
civilisational substance) as well as ‘residualist’ views (culture as
a black box). The research question can be approached from different
disciplinary angles and shall be elaborated in a multi- and
interdisciplinary setting. The Centre is interested in the following

- What has, historically, been the role of cultural change for global
cooperation? Does ‘time’ (for instance as experience of acceleration)
have an effect on cooperation? Were there periods of change in regard
to global cooperation that reflect different levels of organisations
(such as villages, nation-states)? What can we ‘learn’ from those
experiences for a better understanding of global cooperation in the
21st century?

- Does ‘cooperation’ have the same meaning in different cultural
settings? What are the implications of different historical meanings
for global cooperation in the 21st century?

- How can we understand and explain the proliferation of supralocal
and supranational „we-identities“, their inscription into
cosmopolitan norms, rules and citizenship regulation?

- How do cultural differences and diversity interfere in
international bargaining processes and situations (global challenges
– universal rules vs. universalised rules – cultural references)? Do
new technologies have an effect on rules of international diplomacy?
In how far does the meaning and importance of cultural diversity have
an impact on nation-, democracy-, and peacebuilding operations?

Invited are applicants from behavioural sciences, anthropology,
social sciences, history as well as cultural studies, but also
practitioners from governance and non-governmental organisations,
social movements and networks who would like to discuss their
experiences in an academic framework. Sure enough, further research
perspectives beyond the four questions mentioned above, are more than

The Centre

The Centre for Global Cooperation Research is an independent research
institution of the University of Duisburg-Essen, sponsored by the
Federal Ministry of Education and Research. It cooperates closely
with the Institute for Development and Peace (INEF) in Duisburg, the
Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities (KWI) in Essen, and
the German Development Institute (DIE) in Bonn. The Centre is located
at Duisburg’s Inner Harbour, which combines industrial heritage with
modern office buildings and a vibrant urban culture. Close to the
city centre, the Duisburg Campus with the Social Science Department
and INEF is within short reach. The participation of the KWI
facilitates the coupling with the neighbouring city of Essen, the
lead city during the Ruhr area’s time as Europe’s Cultural Metropolis
in 2010. Through the DIE, the Centre is also represented in the UN
City of Bonn with its tight web of international institutions.

The Centre focuses on the cultural premises and dynamics of emergent
governance structures in current world society and analyses the
possibilities for global cooperation. It offers a place for
reflection and exchange for researchers from the social sciences, the
natural sciences, and the humanities, as well as for selected
practitioners from all regions of the world. The four research units
of the Centre focus on (1) The (Im)Possibility of Cooperation, (2)
Global Cultural Conflicts and Transcultural Cooperation, (3) Global
Governance Revisited, and (4) Paradoxes and Perspectives of

Fellows’ Profile

The Centre looks in particular for researchers who are interested in:
a) trans- and interdisciplinary research
b) critical and culturally diverse perspectives on global cooperation
c) innovative methodological approaches and experimental ways to do
   and discuss their research.

Fellows conduct their research independently. They are expected to
work at the Centre and to take residence in the region. We will be
happy to assist fellows in their search for an appropriate apartment.
The Centre is especially interested in applications from the Global
South. We would particularly encourage qualified women to apply.

Applications (in English language) should contain a cover letter, a
CV, a list of publications, and a short presentation of the proposed
research programme (3-5 pages) plus two or three respective
publications. Please indicate for which period you would like to come
and mention at which level (Postdoc, Fellow, Senior Fellow) you wish
to apply. Please indicate to which research unit your research
project might fit best.

Applications should be emailed to:
The deadline for application is the 20th of August 2013. 


Centre for Global Cooperation Research
University of Duisburg-Essen
Email: fellowship-applicati...@gcr21.uni-due.de


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