
Call for Publications

Theme: Human Rights
Subtitle: A Framework for Ethical Pluralism or for Substantive Ethics?
Publication: Metodo. International Studies in Phenomenology and
Date: Issue 3 (January 2014)
Deadline: 28.11.2013


Despite of having become a sort of linguafranca capable of shaping
debates on global justice, international relationships, and domestic
policies, human rights notoriously lack the grounds of a solid and
shared justificatory framework. At its origin, the rights-discourse
was founded on natural law, either theologically or secularly
conceived. During the age of revolutions, natural rights became human
rights, thus abdicating their metaphysically «thick» grounding, but
not their universal claim. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights
continued to offer a similar challenge, shaped by our present-day
concerns. What’s more, contemporary societies are, generally
speaking, more secularized and fragmented than they were two
centuries ago, and human rights have been called upon as a device for
solving situations of conflict in which there is no possibility of
referring to a unitary and cohesive vision of morality. In this
sense, human rights have become a medium for resolving strife and
promoting cooperation for societies which do not impose a single
standard for the good life on their participants. At the same time,
however, while such a standard for the good life is rejected, human
rights are seen as universal criteria of normativity. This causes a
paradox: societies that reject substantive forms of ethics have
nevertheless come to accept what seems to be the odd and weak
Sittlichkeit of human rights as something to be imposed on everyone
and everywhere in the world.

Several contemporary legal discourses, in their turn, notably
(attempt to) bypass the problematic character disclosed by the
ethical dimension of human rights by systematically and exclusively
focusing on the legalistic aspect of the concept. Yet, this shift –
helpful as it may seem – should not lead us to abandon the
fundamental issue concerning the very ethical meaning of human
rights. In such an ethical dimension, in fact, there is a set of
urgent questions which still call for discussions and possible
answers: Is a strong grounding really needed for the discourse on
human rights? What should the content of the claims involved in human
rights be? Which modifications to the universal framework of human
rights are required for the continuing proliferation of particular
new subjects of rights? Does the claim of universality of human
rights really hold? How can phenomenological, genealogical, and
deconstructive approaches contribute to such a fundamental question
as to the universality of human rights?

With this call for papers we invite scholars and researches to
contribute to the discussion of these issues. Suggested themes for
papers include:

- Human rights: a framework for ethical pluralism or for substantive
- The universality of the human rights: interpretative and critical
- Justifying human rights: substantive as opposed to operative
- The proliferation of possible subjects of rights and the universal
  agenda of human rights
- The content of human rights.
- Contemporary critiques and critics of human rights

Papers may be submitted in one of the following languages:
English, German, French, Spanish, Italian.

Submitted papers must be in accordance with the basic principles of
Metodo (http://metodo-rivista.eu/var/Metodo_presentation.pdf),
and follow the Author Guidelines

All contributions will be peer-reviewed by two anonymous referees.

The editorial board advises the authors writing articles in foreign
languages (not native speakers) to have their texts proofread and
revised prior to submission.

Deadline: November, 28th, 2013

Editors: Pierfrancesco Biasetti and Ferdinando G. Menga

Metodo. International Studies in Phenomenology and Philosophy
Edited by Metodo Associazione, Milano - Italy
ISSN  2281-9177

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