
Web Resource

Theme: The Global Circle
Type: Email Discussion Group
Maintainer: Nicholas Maxwell
URL: http://www.jiscmail.ac.uk/globalcircle


This is to let you know about a new group of philosophers who are
sympathetic to the idea that philosophy should tackle global problems
– global intellectually, and global in the sense of concerning the
planet and the future of humanity. We call ourselves "The Global
Circle" (a sort of joke), and our aim is to encourage and promote
philosophy as the imaginative and critical – i.e. rational – tackling
of global problems. We would like to encourage universities
everywhere to keep alive sustained thinking about global problems by
means of Seminars, Symposia, undergraduate and graduate Courses, and
public Lectures. The hope would be that such thinking about global
problems would interact, in both directions, with more specialized
academic research, and with the social world beyond the university –
the public, politicians, the media, bankers, industrialists, and so

So far we are an emailing group. If you would like to join, go to
www.jiscmail.ac.uk/globalcircle, click on "Subscribe or Unsubscribe"
under "Options" near the top left hand corner, and follow
instructions. Or email me, Nicholas Maxwell, at
globalcircle-requ...@jiscmail.ac.uk, and ask to join. 

The Global Circle was sparked off by "What Philosophy Ought to Be",
available online here:

A look at that article might assist you in deciding whether The Global
Circle is the sort of Group you would like to join.


Nicholas Maxwell, Emeritus Reader
Science and Technology Studies
University College London
Email: globalcircle-requ...@jiscmail.ac.uk
Website: http://www.jiscmail.ac.uk/globalcircle


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